Sunday, 7 April 2013

The Litter Project ... Earl Marriott Secondary - Surrey, BC - April 7, 2013 - Grade C-

What a busy weekend!

Not only was I going around and documenting the three local high schools, but also doing the blog and the emails to the schools and the videos as well!  I am getting a better handle on both blogger and Vegas video editing, both of which are pretty new for me... I can already see some improvements!  That's nice from a personal perspective!  I am much happier with this video than the first one I did for Semiahmoo.

If you have read the other 2 entries on Semiahmoo Secondary and Elgin Secondary, you'll see I gave them both had a FAIL grade, and that was for 2 primary reasons...
  1. The garbage was CLEARLY encroaching on personal or park property around the school.
  2. The level and amount of CONCENTRATED trash in some areas was simply overwhelming.
So why a "C-" for Earl Marriott when the other 2 failed?  Here's why in my opinion...
  1. There are two parks around EMS.  One behind, and one across the street.  I examined both carefully and the levels of trash was surprisingly minimal. The garbage at EMS was bad, but at least it was mostly contained within school grounds and not encroaching on the parks.
  2. EMS was the only school where someone actually took the initiative to post a sign and a bin for smokers! Plus there is a kindred spirit there obviously. :>

Don't get me wrong... Earl Marriott is still a MESS, with well over ONE THOUSAND pieces of trash documented on the school grounds today. It has much room for improvement... But there are some positive signs.

I've contacted the principal of Earl Marriott Secondary, Peter Johnston


The Manager of Safe Schools for SD36-Surrey Schools, Theresa Campbell
with the information recorded here.

My Route today:

View Larger Map

Here is a VERY small sampling of the over 300 pictures and videos of garbage I took at and around the school today. I would upload more, but blogger won't let me! If I counted cigarette butts, over ONE THOUSAND of pieces of trash on school property!

Plus MANY, MANY more! 

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