Friday, 12 April 2013

The Eyes of Thailand

Last night I had a chance to watch a documentary that surprised me...

The Eyes of Thailand

When I ordered it from the library, I just assumed that it was another travel video... I placed a hold on the movie months ago, and promptly forgot about it.  Well my turn arrived a few days ago and I went to my local library to pick it up.

It wasn't until I got it home did I realize that movie was mostly about Thai elephants...

And it wasn't really until I started watching it that I understood that it was about rescuing, nurturing, protecting and fighting for elephants who have been severely injured by land mines.

Elephants are used a lot for mining and farming in Thailand, and throughout the Thai / Burma border are millions of unexploded land mines. Farmers or loggers cross the border with their elephants to work, and they inadvertently step on land mines, often completely destroying or shattering the limbs of worker elephants.

The scenes were heart wrenching... And all through the documentary, I had to pause and catch my breath. Seeing the elephants, including baby elephants with their destroyed and shattered limbs was difficult to watch.

It is bad enough that we insist on destroying ourselves, but when innocent animals are the victims, it makes it all the more inexcusable.

We are systematically and unapologetically destroying the earth and all it's glory for our own commercial and corporate greed. We are all guilty to some degree.

While this post may not have a lot to do with litter, the theme is the same;  our rampant and unrelenting destruction of the planet.

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